Category: Things I do

Things I actually work on.

  • Shooting Jupiter

    This enhanced color view of Jupiter’s south pole was created by citizen scientist Gabriel Fiset using data from the JunoCam instrument on NASA’s Juno spacecraft. Image Credit: NASA/Juno Image GalleryOkay, this qualifies as an exciting week for me. NuSTAR is pointing at Jupiter at the same time as Juno (which took the amazing image above) is at it’s closest approach to Jupiter (also known as a “perijove”). Part of my job is figuring out how to target objects that move in the sky (Jupiter, the Sun, the Moon, etc), so this week is a bit of a test.

  • BBEdit and IDL

    BBEdit and IDL

    Okay, so I’ve been trying to wean myself off of IDL in favor of python. Sometimes after you tell yourself you’re not going to develop in a language again you find an awesome new tool…

  • NuSTAR and Nanoflares

    NuSTAR’s solar observations are in the news again!


  • The Sun with NuSTAR

    Yep, we made it into APOD. And on the evening news. Woot. This particular link goes straight to the APOD coverage, but if you Google “NuSTAR Sun” then you can find lots of great coverage.

  • A giant pulse from M82



    Latest NuSTAR Nature paper on the “ultra” pulsar in M82 and the press release via the NuSTAR Caltech site. (more…)

  • Explosions and star guts in Cas A



    Early NuSTAR observations of the star guts exploding out of Cas A. (more…)