It’s time, once again, to talk about reducing the fire hose of information. It’s been a few years since the last time I went through this. In the intervening time there’s been a fairly huge upheaval in the social media landscape with Instagram, Reddit, X Twitter, etc all managing to make their way onto and off of my phone. So I thought I’d summarize for myself here the state of play at the start of 2025 (and compare and contrast with where things were back in 2017).
Category: Non-science
Reducing infinites, 2025 edition
Reducing Infinites, a status update
It’s been about 11 months since I started my cleaning experiment to try to reduce the “get to the end of the feed” mentality when consuming content. I figured it was time for an update.
So, you want to be an astronaut?
NASA is currently recruiting a new astronaut corps. I decided to dig into this a little bit (shocking, I know).
It’s Yosemite day
Yep, finally, not wanting to upgrade because it’ll officially break all of my code on my laptop I think I’ve finally offloaded all of the essential work to my production servers. Which means that today is upgrade day…
Keyboard Shortcuts for the Win
Okay, this is more of a placeholder and link sharing, but I use Dan Rodney’s list of Mac OSX keyboard shortcuts all of the time.
Go check it out here:
Rockets Galore
Here’s a really awesome poster that someone is putting together on Etsy of all modern rocketry (1958 to now). It’s pretty amazing to see where the really modern rockets end up on here. This doesn’t include some of the aircraft-based launch vehicles (like the Pegasus XL rocket that launched NuSTAR), but they’d be pretty tiny.
Commuting is for the birds
Okay, so I know that this is old news for most people, but commuting sucks. If the world were a perfect place, then we’d all be able to ditch the car, live in close proximity to all of our friends and relatives, and have an amazing grocery store within an easy bike ride of our homes. Sadly, the world doens’t all give us what we want. Fortunately (for me, at least), working from home (or from a café, like today) is certainly a vast improvement over spending an extra four hours a week in my car. And evidently it’s making me money, too. Woot.
One week in Google’s Inbox
I’ve been in the process of attempting to reduce the electronic clutter in my life. I talked a little bit about this before, and I’ve certainly haven’t missed the deluge of posts in my RSS feed. I decided to take the next step and try to see if I could make myself a “Inbox Zero” kind of person. I’ve flirted with Mailbox and others before, but I tended to revert to a combination of the vanialla Mail (for personal use) and the standard Gmail app (for work email). However, neither of these really helped in the “quickly clearing junk out of my Inbox” kind of way. Enter Inbox.
Reducing Infinites
Like most of us, right my primary means of consuming new content is via an RSS reader. I’ve pretty much forsaken Facebook except to keep up with family and old friends and occasionally use my Google+ page as a means of discovering new content (mainly photography, both terrestrial and space), but 99% of the time I open up Feedly.
Lately I’ve felt like I’m sliding back into the “infinite content that I don’t actually care about but spend time reading anyways” trap. So I’m cleaning house and trimming down. Here’s what’s in my RSS feed now (will be updated if I feel like I’m missing things):